Splice of Life started in 2018 as a single essay (which is now chapter 4). Working with memories of my lived experiences and discussing films relating to those experiences now feels like a no-brainer for me and my approach to craft, but at the time I had no idea what I was doing. I didn’t know a book was coming. I just knew I wanted to get some things on the page. See what happened.
I’m forever grateful to the team at Santa Fe Writers’ Project for making a home for this book, and in particular my editor Adam al-Sirgany for believing in this book even when my faith wavered.
If anything, I hope it inspires you to look differently at the movies you love and the movies you hate. There’s always something to learn about ourselves in our reactions to art. And that discovery is one of my favorite parts of living.
Splice of Life is available for purchase everywhere. If you pre-ordered, thank you! If you signed up to get my pre-relase postcards, thank you! If you shared about Splice of Life online, thank you! If you told a friend about it, thank you! Everything helps this book find its readers.
I hope to see you at an upcoming reading or book talk. You can always see my up to date event schedule on my website at https://charles-jensen.com/events/.
Thanks for being here. And thanks so much for lifting up this book, and me.
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